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Medical Release Form

Please fill out the Medical Release Form and bring a signed copy to practice.  This must be completed before the child practices.


I,_____________________________ (Parent/Guardian's Name) hereby give permission for

any and all medical attention to be administered to my child ____________________________

(Child's Name) In the event of accident, injury, sickness, etc., under the direction of

the person(s) listed below, until such time as I may be contacted. I also assume the

responsibility for the payment of any such treatment. This release is effective for

the period of one year from the date given below.

ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________

. ______________________________________________________________________

HOME PHONE: ______________________________________________________________________

INSURANCE COMP: ______________________________________________________________________

POLICY NUMBER: ______________________________________________________________________

In case I cannot be reached, any of the following persons is designated to act on

my behalf.

     * COACH:          BRYAN FINLEY
	 * A league representative where my child
                           is playing.

* Any tournament representative where my child is participating in a tournament

PHYSICIAN: ____________________________________________________________

ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________

PHONE: _______________________________________________________________

KNOWN ALLERGIES:____________________________________________________

SIGNATURE (PARENT/GUARDIAN) ________________________DATE _____________
Subscribed and sworn before me,

this ______ day of __________________ , 200_

Notary Public